I want this cake
Chef Joanna had a link to a fabulous-looking cake which I would love to have. It just looks so yummy.
If I were making it, I'd skip the fake frosting and add a little something between the layers; the material the author suggests using for candles would probably work. Yeah, that last sentence is intentionally cryptic. I want you to look at the cake!
If I were making it, I'd skip the fake frosting and add a little something between the layers; the material the author suggests using for candles would probably work. Yeah, that last sentence is intentionally cryptic. I want you to look at the cake!
Hmm... I'll have to reconsider my "No groom cake" policy. --FP
By Anonymous, at 11:40 PM
(Savannah) Wow!
By Anonymous, at 7:52 AM
dpb: Brilliant. I've had this idea about creating a men's energy bar. That begs the question, Are there women's Energy Bars? Why yes there are. Luna bars, for example, are marketed towards women. http://www.lunabar.com/index_main.cfm
They have flavors like Chai tea and Dolce de Leche and the web site is very, well, focused. So anyway, I think it would be great to have a bar marketed to men called the Man-ergy bar or something like that, and have flavors like Steak-n-eggs, Scotch-n-Soda, and now, Meat Cake.
By Anonymous, at 7:55 AM
Just to be clear, by "skip the fake frosting," I do mean that I'd want to use the real thing rather than the instant.
By Robert, at 8:45 AM
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