Which Country Are You?
In an attempt to offer you a break from the usual splenetic ranting, I give you the chance to find out which country you are. I confess that I don't understand the reasoning, since the result I got:
Take a couple minutes' break from the serious.
You're Zimbabwe!
Everything was going really well for you for a long time, but lately you
haven't quite been acting yourself. One day things were looking up and now you've
got all this anger, and you're taking it out on people you've decided must be at fault.
Taking their property seems to be the best way of getting back at them, but this is
making all your former friends dislike you and talk about ending your friendships.
Things could really go either way right now, but you're making enemies
Take a couple minutes' break from the serious.
(Savannah) I'm Poland (no ability to defend myself), Watership Down (deep), and Wyoming (??).
Anonymous, at 9:35 AM
(JJB) We met some folks from Zimbabwe when we were in Australia. They were very annoying and ill-mannered.
I'm Ireland. To quote my former governor, "You know how the Irish are (makes drinky-drinky gesture)."
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
I found that my "country" was pretty much the opposite from the real me (Vatican). Something like "the masses will do whatever I tell them". Yeah - try that at night when I want to get the TV remote.
Anonymous, at 5:00 PM
(Michelle) Colombia, One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest, and Kansas. So I'm a drug-addled loony who likes rural farm life. Gotta love it!
Anonymous, at 2:28 AM
Whenever I took the state quiz, no matter what I answered, I got a metaphorical state (i.e. the State of Greed, the State of Fear) rather than an actual U.S. state. Very strange.
Robert, at 7:12 AM
Oh, and "drug-addled loony who likes rural farm life" bwahahahahahaha.
Robert, at 7:13 AM
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