Strange Brouhaha

Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday Fun

Here's Friday Fun. It's all about trading.

1. If, for one day, you could flip-flop lives with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
2. If, for one day, you could flip-flop your significant other with someone else, who would it be and why?
3. Is there anyone you would not want to flip-flop lives with for a day? Why?
4. What is one aspect of your life you would like to flip-flop?

1. Bill Gates, so that I could make sure to cut a check to the real me for ten million dollars.

2. Captain Kirk--and she knows this--because he's awesome.

3. To be honest, I really wouldn't want to trade lives with anyone at all. I'm happy the way things are.

4. I'd probably study more in high school.


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